Lady Gaga Poker Face Dance Steps
Lady Gaga
Feb 24, 2009 Poker Face Line Dance - Easy Steps. Poker Face Line Dance (Mar 09) Alia Stanton. Lady Gaga Poker Face Lauren Style Dancing Baby. Dancing Babies. Jazz Funk ALMATY DANCE Demo Ledy gaga poker face Moldazhanova Assel VLOG. Lady Gaga artRAVE - Las Vegas 7-19-14 @ MGM Grand - Just Dance + Poker Face. Even Lady Gaga Is Going ‘Gangnam Style’! Wow, the singer best known for hit songs like Born This Way, Poker Face or Just Dance is said to have been secretly practising ‘Gangnam Style’ steps, after singer PSY has invited her to join in the famous dance earlier this year. The Fame is the debut studio album by American singer Lady Gaga.It was released on August 19, 2008 by Interscope Records.After joining Kon Live Distribution and Cherrytree Records in 2008, Gaga began working on the album with different producers, primarily RedOne, Martin Kierszenbaum, and Rob Fusari.Musically, The Fame is an electropop, synth-pop, and dance-pop album that displays influences.

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