Dragon Age Inquisition Armor Upgrade Slots
This page contains Dragon Age: Inquisition Hints for Playstation 3 called 'In-Game armor crafting and Weapons' and has been posted or updated on Nov 23, 2014 by cameindl.
Crafting and Schematics are guides for creating new crafted items. Schematics offer flexibility, creating templates within which players may customize their gear. For example, a sword schematic. This mod adds upgrade slots to the schematics(not uniques etc) of the following weapons-1h-hakkons honor revered defender sword 2h-revered defender maul hakkons valor staffs-lyrium infused staff hakkons wisdom daggers-blade of rebirth stonestalker blade bows-hakkons wrath elgar'nan enaste enjoy.
- Developer: Bioware
- Publisher: Electronic Arts
- Genre: Role-Playing
- Release: Nov 18, 2014
- ESRB: Mature
In-Game armor crafting and Weapons
You can Craft weapons, armor, and potions. To craft a specific item needs a dish and crafting products. Dishes are gotten by purchasing schematics from stores, glyphs brightened by Veilfire, and scrolls found in treasure chests.
After forming the Inquisition, you can your smith to craft armor and weapons. The smith can also craft weapon and armor upgrades which can be positioned into certain slots. To include essential results to your armor or upgrades, you need to discover a dwarf called Dagna.
The schematics needed to make equipment are divided into 3 tiers. A greater tier schematic will certainly constantly lead to much better equipment. They will certainly also need you to invest more product per slot to craft them.
- Tier 1 schematics have 2 slots.
- Tier 2 schematics have 3 slots.
- Tier 3 schematics have 4 slots.
- Defense: Provides resistance against elemental attacks and damage-type resistances. You can also cause enemies to gain certain status condition, for example, Bleeding, when they melee attack.
- Offense: Provides bonuses for being offensive. For example, increase damage against barriers/guard, cause bleeding effects, heal after a killing blow, etc.
- Primary: Determines the base armor or attack value of the armor or weapon. It also determines the elemental damage of staves.
- Utility: Determines attribute upgrades to status such as Willpower, Cunning, Dexterity, Magic, Strength, and Constitution. The attribute boost is directly linked to crafting material.
- Masterwork: High tier weapon or armor have an additional Masterwork slot, which requires masterwork crafting material. This slot provides bonuses such as chance-on-hit damage and unique buffs after absorbing damage. These may also add up to a 40% chance of critical crafting (increases all stats of a particular weapon or armor by 10 per cent).
- Upgrade: Armor has up to two upgrade slots and weapons have up to three of them. Like I have mentioned under 'Utility Slot' section, materials can vastly improve the quality of armor/weapon upgrade.
- Rune: Does not depend upon the quality of the crafting material. All you need for Rune Crafting is a Rune schematic.
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